List of popular Therapeutic Orchids of Asia. Many of these are being used in Singapore memories Products.
Try our Scent-osa workshop at Imbiah Lookout. or pefume team bonding. Worried about what it is goign to be? Why not take a personality test first? Click for female and male personaity test . For results click here
Try our Scent-osa workshop at Imbiah Lookout. or pefume team bonding. Worried about what it is goign to be? Why not take a personality test first? Click for female and male personaity test . For results click here
Acampe Lindl. |
Acriopsis Reinw. ex Bl. |
Aerides Lour. |
Agrostophyllum Bl |
Amitostigma Schltr. |
Anacamptis Rich. |
Anoectochilus Blume |
Anthogonium Lindl |
Apostasia, Blume |
Appendicula Blume |
Arachnis Blume |
Arundina Blume |
Bletilla Rchb. f. |
Brachycorythis Lindl. |
Bromheadia Lindl. |
Bulbophyllum Thouars |
Calanthe Brown |
Callostylis Blume |
Cephalanthera Rich. |
Changnienia Chien |
Cleisostoma Blume |
Coelogyne Lindl. |
Conchidium Griff. |
Corymborkis Thouars. |
Cremastra Lindl |
Crepidium |
Cymbidium Sw |
Cypripedium Linn. |
Cyrtosia Blume |
Dactylorhizia, Necker |
Dendrobium Sw |
Dienia, Lindl. |
Diploprora Hook. f. |
Dipodium R. Br |
Epipactis Zinn. |
Eria Lindl. |
Eulophia R. Br |
Galeola Lour. |
Gastrochilus D. Don. |
Gastrodia R. Br |
Genus Pinalia |
Geodorum Jacks |
Goodyera R. Br |
Grammatophyllum Blume |
Gymnadenia R.Br. |
Habenaria Willd. |
Hemipilia Lindl. |
Hemipiliopsis Y.B. Luo & S.C. Chen |
Herminium L |
Hetaeria Blume |
Hippeophyllum Schltr. |
Holcoglossum Schltr. 1 |
Ipsea Lindl. |
Ischnogyne Schltr. |
Liparis, Rich. |
Ludisia A. Rich. |
Luisia Gaudich. |
Macodes Lindl. |
Malaxis Sol. ex Sw. |
Microtis R. Br |
Mycaranthes Blume |
Neottia Guett |
Neottianthe (Rchb. f.) Schltr. |
Nephelaphyllum Blume |
Nervilia Comm. ex Gaudich. |
Neuwiedia Bl |
Oberonia, Lindl |
Ophrys L |
Orchis Linn. |
Oreorchis Lindl. |
Ornithochilus (Lindl.) Wall ex Benth. |
Otochilus Lindl |
Paphiopedilum Pfitzer |
Papilionanthe Schltr. |
Pecteilis Raf. |
Pelatantheria Ridl |
Peristylus Blume |
Phaius Lour. |
Phalaenopsis Blume |
Pholidota Lindl |
Platanthera L.C. Rich. |
Pleione D. Don |
Plocoglottis Bl |
Pogonia Juss. |
Polystachya Hook |
Pomatocalpa Breda, Kuhl & Hasselt. |
Ponerorchis Rchb. f. |
Renanthera Lour. |
Rhynchostylis Blume |
Robiquetia Guadich |
Satyrium Sw |
Sedirea Garay and H. R. Sweet |
Smitinandia Holtt. |
Spathoglottis Blume |
Spiranthes Rich. |
Steveniella Schltr. |
Sunipia Lindl. |
Taprobanea Christenson |
Thrixspermum Lour. |
Thunia Rchb. f |
Trias Lindl. |
Tropidia Lindl. |
Vanda R. Br |
Vanilla Plum. ex Mill. |
Zeuxine Lindl. |
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